Material Instance
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Here you have all the basic shader settings, you can set the PBR. But the most important is the Color_Mash. This texture will allow you to indicate the areas of the uv affected by the color changes.
A skin wear system is available. You just have to activate the Damage_Effect bool. You will have to provide a curvature texture to the shader to apply the realistic damage. The Damage parameter can be from 0 to 1, for example, if you indicate 0.5 in the parameter, the weapon will be less worn than if you indicate it to 1.
The Seed allows you to generate from a number. you can reuse this number in another skin. or if the effect doesn't suit you visually change the number !
Damage_Mask is the texture of dirt and wear that will be visible on your weapon. The one provided will largely do the job, but you can change it!
You can couple your emisive with a texture pattern and a panner for a very nice and dynamic visual effect. As for most effects, they will be displayed on your weapon according to your Emissive_Mask.
You can change the speed of the panner with the parameter Emissive_ Speed, each channel is a direction vector. You can change all the colors and the texture pattern. it draws the pattern.
Enable ScreenSpaceEffect param, You can replace the screenspace texture and mask. The texture is sampled in Screen Space. Pixel Normal displace the texture based on the Pixel Normal (Normal map) of the material. Vertex Normal displace the texture based on the Vertex normal (Normal of the mesh). they can be used to keep the volume and shape of the mesh visible.
Camera angle add a bit of offset based on the angle. ScreenSpace Panner use the X and Y component of the parameters as the panners speed and direction
Curvature is the curvature map of the mesh, it can be obtained via baking in Substance Painter/Designer or any other baking software, it is used with Curvature Intensity and Curfature Warp Intensity to help define some visual detail. Curvature Intensity make the curve part of your mesh brighter on the texture. Curvature Warp displace the texture based on the curvature.
ScreenSpace Effect Mask, is the mask used to determine which part are should contain the Screen Space effect or not. Note: Mask can be colored, allowing some interesting effect.
A video tutorial will be released in the next few days to further explain the MaterialMaster. A tutorial for generating curvature textures will also be released. In the meantime, you can always join the discord for specific requests. Thanks for your purchase! We will improve the package with the UnrealEngine updates.